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Tiger Guppy

If you are a fish enthusiast, you might be familiar with the tiger guppy. This …

Aponogeton Ulvaceus Flower

The aponogeton ulvaceus flower is a beautiful addition to any aquatic garden or…

Pipefish For Sale

Interested in owning pipefish? Look no further than our selection of pipefish f…

Bumblebee Platy

The bumblebee platy is a beautiful fish that is popular for its vibrant colors …

Dawn Tetra

Dawn tetra (Aphyocharax paraguayensis) is a popular aquarium fish among fish ho…

How Much Is A Gulper Catfish

Gulper catfish are fascinating creatures that have become increasingly popular …

Black Spots On Plants Aquarium

Black spots on plants aquarium can be a frustrating and worrisome issue for aqu…
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