Male Cobra Guppy

The male cobra guppy is a beautiful, eye-catching fish that is sure to make a statement in any aquarium. With their vibrant colors and unique patterns, these fish are a favorite among aquatic enthusiasts. But there is more to the male cobra guppy than just its appearance.

Pain Points

Before we dive into the details of male cobra guppies, it's important to note that owning any type of fish is a serious commitment that requires a certain level of knowledge and care. Male cobra guppies can be susceptible to disease, and maintaining their water quality, diet, and social needs can take some effort.

The Target of Male Cobra Guppy

Male cobra guppies are a type of freshwater fish that are best suited for community aquariums. They are peaceful fish that can coexist with other non-aggressive species. They prefer a temperature range of 72-82°F and a pH range of 7.0-8.0.


Overall, male cobra guppies are a beautiful, peaceful addition to any aquarium. They require proper care and attention, but in return, they can provide years of enjoyment to their owners. If you're considering adding a male cobra guppy to your aquarium, be sure to do your research and provide them with the proper environment and care they need to thrive.

Personal Experience with Male Cobra Guppy

When I first saw a male cobra guppy, I was struck by its vibrant red and black stripes. I knew I had to have one for my aquarium. After doing some research, I found that male cobra guppies require a temperature range of 72-82°F and a pH range of 7.0-8.0. I made sure to maintain these conditions in my aquarium, and my male cobra guppy thrived.

Male cobra guppy

In addition to their striking appearance, I found that male cobra guppies have a peaceful temperament and coexist well with other fish. I highly recommend them for community aquariums.

Tips for Keeping Male Cobra Guppy

When it comes to caring for male cobra guppies, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, be sure to maintain the proper water temperature and pH levels. Second, provide a balanced diet that includes both dry and live foods. Third, provide plenty of hiding places and open swimming spaces in your aquarium to mimic their natural habitat.

Blue cobra guppy

Breeding Male Cobra Guppy

If you're interested in breeding male cobra guppies, it's important to note that they are prolific breeders. They can reproduce every 30 days and can have up to 50 fry in each brood. Be sure to provide a separate breeding tank and plenty of hiding places for the female guppies to give birth and protect their young.

Male red cobra guppy m/l

Question and Answer

Q: What do male cobra guppies eat?

A: Male cobra guppies are omnivores and thrive on a balanced diet that includes both dry and live foods, such as flakes, pellets, shrimp, and brine shrimp.

Q: Can male cobra guppies live with other fish?

A: Yes, male cobra guppies are peaceful fish that can coexist with other non-aggressive species in a community aquarium.

Q: Do male cobra guppies require special care?

A: Male cobra guppies require a temperature range of 72-82°F and a pH range of 7.0-8.0. It's important to maintain these conditions in their aquarium and provide plenty of hiding places and open swimming spaces.

Q: How often should I feed my male cobra guppy?

A: Male cobra guppies should be fed 1-2 times per day, with a balanced diet that includes both dry and live foods.


If you're looking for a colorful and peaceful addition to your aquarium, the male cobra guppy is a fantastic choice. With proper care and attention, these fish can provide years of enjoyment and beauty to any aquatic environment.


Blue Cobra Guppy: Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Blue Cobra Guppy: Freshwater Aquarium Fish
Photo Credit by: / guppy cobra guppies identical approximate variations within

Guppy Male Red Cobra M/l | Ruinemans USA

Guppy Male Red Cobra m/l | Ruinemans USA
Photo Credit by: / guppy ruinemans

Premium MALE Leopard Tail Fancy Guppy, Size: 1" To 1.5"

Premium MALE Leopard Tail Fancy Guppy, Size: 1" to 1.5"
Photo Credit by: / guppy male fancy cobra leopard tail gold premium size

Premium Male Red Cobra Guppy, 1" To 1.5" Long | Guppy Fish, Guppy

Premium Male Red Cobra Guppy, 1" to 1.5" long | Guppy fish, Guppy
Photo Credit by: / guppy cobra red male fancy fish premium long choose board size baby

Cobra Guppy – The Guppy With Stripes | Bolony's Blog

Cobra Guppy – The Guppy With Stripes | Bolony's Blog
Photo Credit by: / guppy cobra male stripes

